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by David Venturi

大卫·文图里(David Venturi)

A year ago, I dropped out of one of the best computer science programs in Canada. I started creating my own using online resources. I realized that I could learn everything I needed through edX, Coursera, and Udacity instead. And I could learn it faster, more efficiently, and for a fraction of the cost.

一年前,我退出了加拿大最好的计算机科学程序之一。 我开始使用在线资源创建自己的 。 我意识到我可以通过edX,Coursera和Udacity学习所需的一切。 而且我可以更快,更有效地学习它,而费用却只有一小部分。

I’m almost finished now. I’ve taken many data science-related courses and audited portions of many more. I know the options out there, and what skills are needed for learners preparing for a data analyst or data scientist role. A few months ago, I started creating a review-driven guide that recommends the best courses for each subject within data science.

我现在快要完蛋了。 我参加了许多与数据科学相关的课程,并对更多课程进行了审计。 我知道那里的选择,以及学习者准备数据分析师或数据科学家角色需要哪些技能。 几个月前,我开始创建一个以评论为导向的指南,为数据科学中的每个学科推荐最佳课程。

For the first guide in the series, I recommended a few for the beginner data scientist. Then it was .

对于本系列的第一个指南,我为初学者数据科学家推荐了一些 。 然后是 。

现在介绍数据科学。 (Now onto introductions to data science.)

(Don’t worry if you’re unsure of what an intro to data science course entails. I’ll explain shortly.)


For this guide, I spent 10+ hours trying to identify every online intro to data science course offered as of January 2017, extracting key bits of information from their syllabi and reviews, and compiling their ratings. For this task, I turned to none other than the open source Class Central community and its database of thousands of course ratings and reviews.

对于本指南,我花了10多个小时来尝试确定截至2017年1月提供的每门在线数据科学课程介绍,从他们的教学大纲和评论中提取关键信息,并编制其评分。 对于此任务,我只选择了开放源码的Class Central社区及其包含数千个课程评分和评论的数据库。

Since 2011, founder has kept a closer eye on online courses than arguably anyone else in the world. Dhawal personally helped me assemble this list of resources.

自2011年以来, 创始人一直在关注在线课程,这一点可以说是世界上其他任何人所不及的。 达瓦尔亲自帮助我整理了这份资源清单。

我们如何选择要考虑的课程 (How we picked courses to consider)

Each course must fit three criteria:


  1. It must teach the data science process. More on that soon.

    它必须教授数据科学过程。 很快就可以了。

  2. It must be on-demand or offered every few months.


  3. It must be an interactive online course, so no books or read-only tutorials. Though these are viable ways to learn, this guide focuses on courses.

    它必须是交互式的在线课程,因此没有书籍或只读教程 。 尽管这些是可行的学习方法,但本指南重点介绍课程。

We believe we covered every notable course that fits the above criteria. Since there are seemingly hundreds of courses on , we chose to consider the most-reviewed and highest-rated ones only. There’s always a chance that we missed something, though. So please let us know in the comments section if we left a good course out.

我们相信,我们涵盖了符合上述条件的所有重要课程。 由于关于的课程似乎有数百 ,因此我们选择只考虑评论次数最多和评分最高的课程。 不过,总有可能我们错过了一些东西。 因此,如果我们留下了好的课程,请在评论部分让我们知道。

我们如何评估课程 (How we evaluated courses)

We compiled average rating and number of reviews from Class Central and other review sites to calculate a weighted average rating for each course. We read text reviews and used this feedback to supplement the numerical ratings.

我们汇总了Class Central和其他评论网站的平均评分和评论数量,以计算每个课程的加权平均评分。 我们阅读了文字评论,并使用此反馈来补充数字等级。

We made subjective syllabus judgment calls based on two factors:


1. Coverage of the data science process. Does the course brush over or skip certain subjects? Does it cover certain subjects in too much detail? See the next section for what this process entails.

1. 数据科学过程的覆盖范围。 课程会否跳过或跳过某些科目? 它是否涵盖了某些主题的过多细节? 有关此过程的含义,请参见下一部分。

2. Usage of common data science tools. Is the course taught using popular programming languages like Python and/or R? These aren’t necessary, but helpful in most cases so slight preference is given to these courses.

2. 通用数据科学工具的使用。 该课程是否使用流行的编程语言(例如Python和/或R)教授? 这些不是必需的,但在大多数情况下很有帮助,因此对这些课程略有偏爱。

什么是数据科学过程? (What is the data science process?)

What is data science? What does a data scientist do? These are the types of fundamental questions that an intro to data science course should answer. The following infographic from Harvard professors Joe Blitzstein and Hanspeter Pfister outlines a typical data science process, which will help us answer these questions.

什么是数据科学? 数据科学家做什么? 这些是数据科学课程入门应回答的基本问题的类型。 以下来自哈佛大学教授Joe Blitzstein和Hanspeter Pfister的信息图概述了典型的数据科学过程 ,这将有助于我们回答这些问题。

Our goal with this introduction to data science course is to become familiar with the data science process. We don’t want too in-depth coverage of specific aspects of the process, hence the “intro to” portion of the title.

我们对数据科学课程的介绍的目标是要熟悉数据科学过程。 我们不想太深入地介绍过程的特定方面,因此不希望标题的“简介”部分。

For each aspect, the ideal course explains key concepts within the framework of the process, introduces common tools, and provides a few examples (preferably hands-on).


We’re only looking for an introduction. This guide therefore won’t include full specializations or programs like Johns Hopkins University’s on Coursera or Udacity’s . These compilations of courses elude the purpose of this series: to find the best individual courses for each subject to comprise a data science education. The final three guides in this series of articles will cover each aspect of the data science process in detail.

我们只是在寻找介绍。 因此,本指南将不包括约翰霍普金斯大学的Coursera 或Udacity的等完整的专业或计划。 这些课程的汇编没有达到本系列课程的目的:为每个学科寻找最佳的个别课程,以构成数据科学教育。 本系列文章中的最后三本指南将详细介绍数据科学过程的每个方面。

所需的基本编码,统计数据和概率经验 (Basic coding, stats, and probability experience required)

Several courses listed below require basic programming, statistics, and probability experience. This requirement is understandable given that the new content is reasonably advanced, and that these subjects often have several courses dedicated to them.

下面列出的几门课程需要基本的编程,统计学和概率经验。 鉴于新内容已经相当高级,并且这些主题通常都有专门针对它们的几门课程,因此这一要求是可以理解的。

This experience can be acquired through our recommendations in the first two articles (, ) in this Data Science Career Guide.

可通过本《数据科学职业指南》的前两篇文章( , )中的建议来获得这种经验。

我们选择的最佳数据科学入门课程是…… (Our pick for the best intro to data science course is…)

  • (Kirill Eremenko/Udemy)

    (Kirill Eremenko / Udemy)

Kirill Eremenko’s on Udemy is the clear winner in terms of breadth and depth of coverage of the data science process of the 20+ courses that qualified. It has a 4.5-star weighted average rating over 3,071 reviews, which places it among the highest rated and most reviewed courses of the ones considered.

Kirill Eremenko的Udemy上的在合格的20多个课程的数据科学过程的广度和深度方面显然是赢家。 它拥有4.5颗星的加权平均评分,超过3,071条评论,使其跻身于所考虑课程中评分最高和评价最高的课程之一。

It outlines the full process and provides real-life examples. At 21 hours of content, it is a good length. Reviewers love the instructor’s delivery and the organization of the content. The price varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent, so you may be able to purchase access for as little as $10.

它概述了整个过程,并提供了实际示例。 在21个小时的内容中,这是一个不错的时长。 评论者喜欢讲师的授课内容和内容的组织方式。 价格根据Udemy的折扣而有所不同,而Udemy的折扣经常出现,因此您可以以低至10美元的价格购买访问权限。

Though it doesn’t check our “usage of common data science tools” box, the non-Python/R tool choices (gretl, Tableau, Excel) are used effectively in context. Eremenko mentions the following when explaining the gretl choice (gretl is a statistical software package), though it applies to all of the tools he uses (emphasis mine):

尽管未选中“通用数据科学工具的使用”框但非Python / R工具选择(gretl,Tableau,Excel)在上下文中有效使用。 Eremenko在解释gretl选择(gretl是一个统计软件包)时提到了以下内容,尽管它适用于他使用的所有工具(重点是我的):

In gretl, we will be able to do the same modeling just like in R and Python but we won’t have to code. That’s the big deal here. Some of you may already know R very well, but some may not know it at all. My goal is to show you how to build a robust model and give you a framework that you can apply in any tool you choose. gretl will help us avoid getting bogged down in our coding.

在gretl中,我们将能够像在R和Python中一样进行相同的建模,但是我们不必编写代码。 这很重要。 你们中有些人可能已经非常了解R,但有些人可能根本不知道。 我的目标是向您展示如何构建健壮的模型,并为您提供一个可应用于所选任何工具的框架 。 gretl将帮助我们避免陷入编码困境。

One prominent reviewer noted the following:


Kirill is the best teacher I’ve found online. He uses real life examples and explains common problems so that you get a deeper understanding of the coursework. He also provides a lot of insight as to what it means to be a data scientist from working with insufficient data all the way to presenting your work to C-class management. I highly recommend this course for beginner students to intermediate data analysts!
Kirill是我在网上找到的最好的老师。 他使用现实生活中的示例并解释了常见问题,以便您对课程学习有更深入的了解。 对于从缺乏足够的数据到将您的工作呈现给C级管理的全过程,成为数据科学家意味着什么,他也提供了很多见识。 我强烈建议初学者向中级数据分析师推荐此课程!

出色的Python简介 (A great Python-focused introduction)

  • (Udacity)


Udacity’s is a relatively new offering that is part of Udacity’s popular . It covers the data science process clearly and cohesively using Python, though it lacks a bit in the modeling aspect. The estimated timeline is 36 hours (six hours per week over six weeks), though it is shorter in my experience. It has a 5-star weighted average rating over two reviews. It is free.

Udacity的是相对较新的产品,它是Udacity受欢迎的 。 尽管它在建模方面缺乏一点,但它使用Python清晰,连贯地涵盖了数据科学过程。 估计的时间范围为36小时(六周内每周六小时),但根据我的经验来看时间较短。 该酒店在2条评论中获得5星级加权平均评分。 这是免费的。

The videos are well-produced and the instructor (Caroline Buckey) is clear and personable. Lots of programming quizzes enforce the concepts learned in the videos. Students will leave the course confident in their new and/or improved NumPy and Pandas skills (these are popular Python libraries). The final project — which is graded and reviewed in the Nanodegree but not in the free individual course — can be a nice add to a portfolio.

视频制作精良,讲师(Caroline Buckey)清晰且风度翩翩。 许多编程测验强制实施了视频中学习的概念。 学生将对新的和/或改进的NumPy和Pandas技能(这些是流行的Python库)充满信心。 最终项目(可以在Nanodegree中进行评分和审查,但不能在免费的个人课程中进行评估)可以很好地添加到项目组合中。

没有评论数据的令人印象深刻的产品 (An impressive offering with no review data)

  • (Big Data University)


Data Science Fundamentals is a four-course series provided by IBM’s Big Data University. It includes courses titled , , , and .

数据科学基础知识是IBM大数据大学提供的四门课程。 它包括名为“ ,“ , 和“ 课程。

It covers the full data science process and introduces Python, R, and several other open-source tools. The courses have tremendous production value. 13–18 hours of effort is estimated, depending on if you take the “R 101” course at the end, which isn’t necessary for the purpose of this guide. Unfortunately, it has no review data on the major review sites that we used for this analysis, so we can’t recommend it over the above two options yet. It is free.

它涵盖了整个数据科学过程,并介绍了Python,R和其他几个开源工具。 这些课程具有巨大的生产价值。 估计需要13到18个小时的工作量,具体取决于您是否在最后完成“ R 101”课程,对于本指南而言,这不是必需的。 不幸的是,它在我们用于此分析的主要评论网站上都没有评论数据,因此我们不能在以上两个选项中推荐它。 这是免费的。

竞赛 (The competition)

Our #1 pick had a weighted average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars over 3,068 reviews. Let’s look at the other alternatives, sorted by descending rating. Below you’ll find several R-focused courses, if you are set on an introduction in that language.

在3,068条点评中,我们的#1选择加权平均评分为5星(满分5星)中的4.5。 让我们看看其他选择,按降序排列。 如果您以该语言为基础进行介绍,则可以在下面找到一些针对R的课程。

  • (Jose Portilla/Udemy): Full process coverage with a tool-heavy focus (Python). Less process-driven and more of a very detailed intro to Python. Amazing course, though not ideal for the scope of this guide. It, like Jose’s R course below, can double as both intros to Python/R and intros to data science. 21.5 hours of content. It has a 4.7-star weighted average rating over 1,644 reviews. Cost varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent.

    训练营的 (Jose Portilla / Udemy):全面的过程报道,重点关注工具(Python)。 较少的过程驱动,更多地是Python的非常详细的介绍。 很棒的课程,尽管不是本指南范围的理想选择。 就像下面的Jose的R课程一样,它既可以作为Python / R的简介,也可以作为数据科学的简介。 21.5小时的内容。 它拥有4.7星级加权平均评分,超过1,644条评论。 成本因Udemy折扣而异,这是很常见的。

  • (Jose Portilla/Udemy): Full process coverage with a tool-heavy focus (R). Less process-driven and more of a very detailed intro to R. Amazing course, though not ideal for the scope of this guide. It, like Jose’s Python course above, can double as both intros to Python/R and intros to data science. 18 hours of content. It has a 4.6-star weighted average rating over 847 reviews. Cost varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent.

    训练营(Jose Portilla / Udemy):全面的过程覆盖,重点关注工具(R)。 尽管不是本指南的理想选择,但过程驱动较少,而R.Amazing课程的介绍非常详细。 就像上面的Jose的Python课程一样,它既可以作为Python / R的简介,也可以作为数据科学的简介。 18小时的内容。 在847条评论中,它具有4.6星级加权平均评分。 成本因Udemy折扣而异,这是很常见的。

  • (Frank Kane/Udemy): Partial process coverage. Focuses on statistics and machine learning. Decent length (nine hours of content). Uses Python. It has a 4.5-star weighted average rating over 3,104 reviews. Cost varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent.

    (弗兰克·凯恩/乌迪米):部分过程报道。 专注于统计和机器学习。 体面的长度(九个小时的内容)。 使用Python。 该酒店获得3,104条评论的4.5星级加权平均评分。 成本因Udemy折扣而异,这是很常见的。

  • (Data Hawk Tech/Udemy): Full process coverage, though limited depth of coverage. Quite short (three hours of content). Briefly covers both R and Python. It has a 4.4-star weighted average rating over 62 reviews. Cost varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent.

    (Data Hawk Tech / Udemy):完整的过程覆盖,但覆盖深度有限。 很短(三个小时的内容)。 简要介绍R和Python。 它有超过62条评论的4.4星级加权平均评分。 成本因Udemy折扣而异,这是很常见的。

  • (Syracuse University/Open Education by Blackboard): Full process coverage, though not evenly spread. Heavily focuses on basic statistics and R. Too applied and not enough process focus for the purpose of this guide. Online course experience feels disjointed. It has a 4.33-star weighted average rating over 6 reviews. Free.

    (锡拉丘兹大学/ Blackboard开放教育):涵盖了完整的过程,尽管分布不均。 大量关注基本统计数据和R。对于本指南而言,应用过于集中,对流程的关注不足。 在线课程体验让人感到脱节。 它在6条评论中拥有4.33星级加权平均评分。 自由。

  • (Nina Zumel & John Mount/Udemy): Partial process coverage only, though good depth in the data preparation and modeling aspects. Okay length (six hours of content). Uses R. It has a 4.3-star weighted average rating over 101 reviews. Cost varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent.

    (Nina Zumel和John Mount / Udemy):尽管在数据准备和建模方面有很好的深度,但仅涵盖了部分过程。 好的长度(六个小时的内容)。 使用R。在101条评论中获得4.3星级加权平均评分。 成本因Udemy折扣而异,这是很常见的。

  • (V2 Maestros/Udemy): Full process coverage with good depth of coverage for each aspect of the process. Decent length (8.5 hours of content). Uses Python. It has a 4.3-star weighted average rating over 92 reviews. Cost varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent.

    (V2 Maestros / Udemy):完整的过程覆盖范围,并且对过程的每个方面都有很好的覆盖深度。 体面的长度(8.5小时的内容)。 使用Python。 该酒店在92条评论中获得4.3星级加权平均评分。 成本因Udemy折扣而异,这是很常见的。

  • (V2 Maestros/Udemy): Full process coverage, though limited depth of coverage. Quite short (3 hours of content). Limited tool coverage. It has a 4.3-star weighted average rating over 790 reviews. Cost varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent.

    (V2 Maestros / Udemy):尽管覆盖范围有限,但完整的过程覆盖范围。 很短(3个小时的内容)。 有限的工具覆盖范围。 它具有790条评论中的4.3星级加权平均评分。 成本因Udemy折扣而异,这是很常见的。

  • (University of Auckland/FutureLearn): Breadth of coverage unclear. Claims to focus on data exploration, discovery, and visualization. Not offered on demand. 24 hours of content (three hours per week over eight weeks). It has a 4-star weighted average rating over 2 reviews. Free with paid certificate available.

    (奥克兰大学/ FutureLearn):覆盖范围不清楚。 声称专注于数据探索,发现和可视化。 未按需提供。 24小时的内容(八周中每周三小时)。 它拥有2条评论的4星级加权平均评分。 免费提供付费证书。

  • (Microsoft/edX): Partial process coverage (lacks modeling aspect). Uses Excel, which makes sense given it is a Microsoft-branded course. 12–24 hours of content (two-four hours per week over six weeks). It has a 3.95-star weighted average rating over 40 reviews. Free with Verified Certificate available for $25.

    (Microsoft / edX):部分过程覆盖(缺少建模方面)。 使用Excel,鉴于它是Microsoft品牌的课程,因此很有意义。 12-24小时的内容(六周内每周两到四小时)。 在40条评论中,它拥有3.95星的加权平均评分。 免费提供经过验证的证书,价格为25美元。

  • (Microsoft/edX): Full process coverage with good depth of coverage for each aspect. Covers R, Python, and Azure ML (a Microsoft machine learning platform). Several 1-star reviews citing tool choice (Azure ML) and the instructor’s poor delivery. 18–24 hours of content (three-four hours per week over six weeks). It has a 3.81-star weighted average rating over 67 reviews. Free with Verified Certificate available for $49.

    (Microsoft / edX):完整的过程覆盖范围,每个方面的覆盖范围都很好。 涵盖R,Python和Azure ML(Microsoft机器学习平台)。 几篇1星评论提到了工具的选择(Azure ML)和讲师的教学效果不佳。 18-24小时的内容(六周内每周三到四小时)。 在67条评论中,它获得了3.81星级加权平均评分。 免费提供经过验证的证书,价格为$ 49。

  • (V2 Maestros/Udemy): The R companion to V2 Maestros’ Python course above. Full process coverage with good depth of coverage for each aspect of the process. Decent length (11 hours of content). Uses R. It has a 3.8-star weighted average rating over 212 reviews. Cost varies depending on Udemy discounts, which are frequent.

    (V2 Maestros / Udemy):V2 Maestros上面的Python课程的R伴侣。 全面的过程覆盖,对过程的每个方面都具有良好的覆盖深度。 体面的长度(11个小时的内容)。 使用R。它在212条评论中获得3.8星加权平均评分。 成本因Udemy折扣而异,这是很常见的。

  • (Udacity): Partial process coverage, though good depth for the topics covered. Lacks the exploration aspect, though Udacity has a great, full on exploratory data analysis (EDA). Claims to be 48 hours in length (six hours per week over eight weeks), but is shorter in my experience. Some reviews think the set-up to the advanced content is lacking. Feels disorganized. Uses Python. It has a 3.61-star weighted average rating over 18 reviews. Free.

    概论(Udacity):部分过程覆盖,但涵盖的主题深度不错。 尽管Udacity在探索性数据分析(EDA)方面有完整的 ,但缺乏探索方面的知识。 自称时长48小时(八周中每周六小时),但根据我的经验,时间较短。 一些评论认为缺少针对高级内容的设置。 感觉杂乱无章。 使用Python。 它在18条评论中获得3.61星级加权平均评分。 自由。

  • (University of Michigan/Coursera): Partial process coverage. No modeling and vizualization, though courses #2 and #3 in the cover these aspects. Taking all three courses would be too in depth for the purpose of this guides. Uses Python. Four weeks in length. It has a 3.6-star weighted average rating over 15 reviews. Free and paid options available.

    (密歇根大学/ Coursera):部分过程覆盖。 尽管的中的课程2和课程3涵盖了这些方面,但是没有建模和虚拟 。 就本指南而言,修读所有三门课程都太深入了。 使用Python。 长度为四个星期。 它有超过15条评论的3.6星级加权平均评分。 提供免费和付费选项。

  • (PwC/Coursera): Partial coverage (lacks modeling) with a business focus. Introduces many tools, including R, Python, Excel, SAS, and Tableau. Four weeks in length. It has a 3.5-star weighted average rating over 2 reviews. Free and paid options available.

    (PwC / Coursera):以业务为重点的部分覆盖(缺少建模)。 引入了许多工具,包括R,Python,Excel,SAS和Tableau。 长度为四个星期。 该酒店在2条评论中拥有3.5星级加权平均评分。 提供免费和付费选项。

  • (Johns Hopkins University/Coursera): An extremely brief overview of the full process. Too brief for the purpose of this series. Two hours in length. It has a 3.4-star weighted average rating over 19 reviews. Free and paid options available.

    (约翰霍普金斯大学/库塞拉):整个过程的极其简短的概述。 对于本系列的目的来说太简短了。 长两个小时。 它在19条评论中拥有3.4星级加权平均评分。 提供免费和付费选项。

  • (Johns Hopkins University/Coursera): An extremely brief overview of the full process. More of a set-up course for Johns Hopkins University’s . Claims to have 4–16 hours of content (one-four hours per week over four weeks), though one reviewer noted it could be completed in two hours. It has a 3.22-star weighted average rating over 182 reviews. Free and paid options available.

    (约翰霍普金斯大学/库塞拉):整个过程的极其简短的概述。 更多有关约翰霍普金斯大学的设置课程。 声称具有4-16小时的内容(在四个星期内每周四个小时),尽管一位审阅者指出,它可以在两个小时内完成。 它在182条评论中拥有3.22星级加权平均评分。 提供免费和付费选项。

  • (Wesleyan University/Coursera): Partial process coverage (lacks modeling). Four weeks in length. Good production value. Uses Python and SAS. It has a 2.67-star weighted average rating over 6 reviews. Free and paid options available.

    (卫斯理大学/库塞拉):部分过程覆盖(缺少模型)。 长度为四个星期。 良好的生产价值。 使用Python和SAS。 在6条评论中,它获得了2.67星级加权平均评分。 提供免费和付费选项。

The following courses had no reviews as of January 2017.


  • (Harvard University): Full process coverage in great depth (probably too in depth for the purpose of this series). A full 12-week undergraduate course. Course navigation is difficult since the course is not designed for online consumption. Actual Harvard lectures are filmed. The above data science process infographic originates from this course. Uses Python. No review data. Free.

    (哈佛大学):全面深入地介绍了整个过程(对于本系列而言,可能太深了)。 完整的12周本科课程。 由于课程不是为在线消费而设计的,因此课程导航非常困难。 录制了实际的哈佛讲座。 上面的数据科学过程图就是源于本课程的。 使用Python。 没有评论数据。 自由。

  • (University of Colorado Boulder/Coursera): Partial process coverage (lacks modeling and visualization aspects) with a focus on business. The data science process is disguised as the “Information-Action Value chain” in their lectures. Four weeks in length. Describes several tools, though only covers SQL in any depth. No review data. Free and paid options available.

    (科罗拉多大学博尔德分校/库塞拉分校):部分流程覆盖(缺少建模和可视化方面),并且侧重于业务。 在他们的演讲中,数据科学过程被伪装成“信息行动价值链”。 长度为四个星期。 描述了几种工具,尽管仅涵盖了任何深度SQL。 没有评论数据。 提供免费和付费选项。

  • (Lynda): Full process coverage, though limited depth of coverage. Quite short (three hours of content). Introduces both R and Python. No review data. Cost depends on Lynda subscription.

    (Lynda):尽管覆盖范围有限,但是完整的过程覆盖范围。 很短(三个小时的内容)。 引入了R和Python。 没有评论数据。 费用取决于Lynda订阅。

结语 (Wrapping it Up)

This is the third of a six-piece series that covers the best online courses for launching yourself into the data science field. We covered programming in the and statistics and probability in the . The remainder of the series will cover other data science core competencies: data visualization and machine learning.

这是一个由六部分组成的系列文章的第3部分,该系列涵盖了使您入门数据科学领域的最佳在线课程。 我们在介绍了编程,在中介绍了统计和概率。 该系列的其余部分将涵盖其他数据科学核心能力:数据可视化和机器学习。

The final piece will be a summary of those articles, plus the best online courses for other key topics such as data wrangling, databases, and even software engineering.


If you’re looking for a complete list of Data Science online courses, you can find them on Class Central’s subject page.

如果您正在寻找数据科学在线课程的完整列表,可以在Class Central的主题页面上找到它们。

If you enjoyed reading this, check out some of ’s other pieces:


If you have suggestions for courses I missed, let me know in the responses!


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如果您认为这有帮助,请单击“?”。 因此更多的人会在Medium上看到它。

This is a condensed version of my , where I’ve included further course descriptions, syllabi, and multiple reviews.





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